iOT software development-AZURE integration

IOT software development-AZURE integration

This course will cover the different modules related to IOT(Internet Of Things) with AZURE services, including introduction to IOT, benefits of IOT, privacy and security, IOT and risks, Opensource and IOT, IOT and edge computing, development IOT solutions on micro controller, connectivity protocol, MQTT, JSON, Kafka, wireless connectivity with PAN, LPWAN like BLE, Zigbee, Lora, 6LoWPAN etc. End of this course student should able to development application and embedded device and able to communicate to the AZURE cloud for sending and receiving command and data. Also we are working in real time use case projects for different industries like Healthcare, Home Automation, Industrial Automation, Agriculture etc.

Career Opportunity



  • IOT concepts networking topology
  • Communication protocols
  • Benefits of internet of things
  • Security and privacy
  • Risk involved in IOT deployment design consideration
  • IOT device and provisioning
  • OTA requirements of IOT MQTT protocols
  • AZURE IOT, SDK, pre FReeRTos IOT
  • Examples with AZURE using AZURE IOT Hub
  • AZURE IOT edge
  • Edge computing
  • Basics of machine learning and IOT.


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