IOT and aIML


This course will cover the different modules related to IOT, AIML concepts and AIML with introduction to IOT, TensorFlow, PyTorch, TF lite, deep learning hardware, benefits of IOT, privacy and security, IOT and risks, opensource and IOT, IOT and edge computing, development IOT solutions on micro controller, connectivity protocol, MQTT, JSON, Kafka, wireless connectivity with PAN, LPWAN like BLE, Zigbee, Lora, 6LoWPAN , use cases of AIML, introduction to AIML, AIML example projects, edge analytics, development of ML based application with IOT, real time use case projects for different industries like Healthcare, Home automation, Industrial Automation, agriculture etc.

Career Opportunity



  • Benefits of IOT
  • Use cases of IOT with Arduino
  • Use case of IOT with raspberry pi.
  • IOT design and considerations
  • Cloud integration with IOT
  • IOT – advanced
  • Sensors and actuators
  • Example projects
  • Wireless network
  • Deployment of IOT devices
  • Arduino programming
  • Programming with raspberry pi
  • Programming with esp32
  • Using FReeRTos
  • Integrating sensors and actuators to Arduino, Raspberry pi, esp32.
  • IOT –  advanced
  • Understanding edge deployment
  • MQTT protocol and Paho library
  • Broker and client
  • Publish and subscribe model
  • REST/JSON based device configuration
  • MQTT and JSON.
  • Sending data to multiple edge gateways.
  • Cloud communication with AWS, IOT, SDK.
  • Example projects with AWS, IOT, SDK
  • Raspberry pi  / esp32 real time projects
  • IOT – cloud integration
  • Device provisioning and certificates
  • OTA with AWS
  • FReeRTos with AWS
  • AWS green grass
  • ML with IOT
  • IOT dashboard and example projects in AWS


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